Jugenderholungswerk Hamburg e.V. (DE)

No Kid will be left behind

The Jugenderholungswerk Hamburg e.V. is arranging holiday experiences for children and teenagers from Hamburg

The Jugenderholungswerk Hamburg e.V. stands for its slogan: “Every child living in Hamburg has the right to having a holiday”. Regardless of their parent’s financial situation, children aged between 8-15 years should experience a wonderful vacation that makes them happy. For almost 40 years, the Jugenderholungswerk Hamburg e.V. has been working closely together with the City of Hamburg towards this goal.

Every year, more than 1.000 children from Hamburg take part in the holiday trips – no kid has to stay at home! The chaperons are specially trained in taking care of children and young people. During spring, summer and autumn holiday theater camps as well as sports-orientated camps with windsurfing, horse riding, swimming or skiing are offered. Those activities are not only fun but also strengthening the participants’ self confidence and the team spirit.

The Agency for Labour, Health, Social Affairs, Family and Integration (BAGSFI) is financing the holiday programs, and the TheaterSprachCamps are financially supported by the Educational and Vocational Training Authority (BSB). As more and more children from low-income families are joining while financial resources are shrinking at the same time, additional financial help is needed.

Hahnair Foundation has contributed to this valuable engagement since 2023 to ensure that also children from precarious circumstances are able to join their friends in educationally important holiday and leisure games.
