Building Inauguration in Znamianka
Since 2016, the Hahn Air Foundation has supported the social sports project in Znamianka, Central Ukraine through the “Straßenkinder e.V. Berlin” association.
In 2018, a substantial amount of money was used to purchase a building in which more than 120 children and young adults can spend their leisure time without being exposed to alcohol or drugs. The programme includes sports and training sessions, theatre workshops, tutoring and youth camps.
The building was officially inauguratedin October and ceremoniously handed over to the sports social project. Nico Gormsen, curator of the Hahn Air Foundation, attended the event personally to carry out the ceremony.
“I am very happy to be in Znamianka on this special day and to inaugurate this great project with all the helpers and participants. Excellent work has been done here in the last few years. I am very happy that our donation could change so much here, and I thank everyone for their commitment and their continuing dedication”.